Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott’s cost of adding to the Police Force mega gaffe.

Wow, how excruciating was it to observe one of the highest profile labour politicians getting the numbers so wrong for adding 10,000 Policemen to the force?

A train wreck would be understating the case!

Systems that are not joined up, or are only partially joined up, are not uncommon in commerce and Government. This is particularly the case for fast growing and fast changing businesses with multiple systems which can create real management headaches. “Am I as an executive looking at Apples based on this system but Pears based on this other one”?

The good solution is not normally to rely on just one system because different systems have different strengths for the business and a single system can prove to be a blunt tool if not designed specifically for the business’s main activities.

This is just one reason that the Discover product is so relevant because it is intuitive and it becomes easier to spot anomalies of this type when comparing data from more than one system.

Discover can be connected to several data sources and is capable of providing real time graphical, and data table, reporting to appear on the desktops of relevant managers and supervisors.